
Categories #

Assignments (85%) #

We have 4 big assignments in total (subject to change). Visit this course’s Gradescope site for the assignment documents. See the schedule table above for deliverable due dates.

  • [20%] HW1: Week 1 to Week 3 topics
  • [20%] HW2: Week 4 to Week 7 topics
  • [20%] HW3: Week 8 to Week 10 topics
  • [25%] HW4: Week 11 to end. We do not release solutions for homework.
Can you release homework early? We understand that some students may prefer that homework assignments be released as soon as possible. Behind the scenes, our course staff work diligently to develop new questions, which means testing new datasets, new instructions, new auto graders, solution code, and more! Unfortunately, this means we likely cannot release assignments well in advance. We will release them as early as possible, hopefully some days before the scheduled release dates on our course schedule. When we release an assignment, we always announce it on Ed discussion.

Quizzes (15%) #

There will be 10 quizzes throughout the semester on Canvas, and all the quizzes are mandatory to take even the knowledge-base quiz (Quiz 0).

  • Each quiz will have 1.5% of your final score.
  • If you fail to take a quiz, you will be penalized by losing 3% of your course score instead of 1.5%. As taking all quizzes is mandatory.
  • The topic of each quiz will coincide with the contents covered in lectures on the specified weeks. Make sure to watch and study any materials for each week module, i.e. vidoes, tutorial videos, pdfs,etc.
  • Quizzes will have a duration of seven-minutes for students. Each quiz will have five multiple choice questions. Check the course schedule table for when quizzes will be out and due. Any possible changes on quizzes dates will be reflected on our course schdule page. Please make sure to check our class website before taking the quiz.
  • Quizzes measure your understanding of the topics and they will be mostly conceptual questions.
  • Quizzes’ answers will be released as soon as all our students took them including our ODS students. Please do not ask any questions about a quiz that you just take on Edstem before we release the answers.
  • Quizzes questions are selected randomly from our question bank, which means that students will not receive the same questions for their quiz.
  • We use Honorlock for all quizzes in this course to enhance assessment integrity. Quizzes will be open book, open notes with browser activity restricted to Canvas.

Grading #

  • You must achieve an overall weighted average of 60% to pass the course.
  • All deliverables will be graded by our TAs\GradeScope.
  • When assigning course grades, we will start with the standard grade thresholds (90, 80, etc.). We may lower (and never raise) the thresholds (i.e., to your benefits). For example, we may use 88 instead of 90.
  • Bonus questions may appear on certain assignments. Further details regarding these bonus points will be provided within the relevant assignment.

Plagiarism, Collaboration Policy, and Student Honor Code #

  • All course participants (myself, teaching assistants, and learners)are expected to know and abide by the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code. -Ethical behavior is extremely important in all facets of life.
  • Plagiarism is a serious offense. You are responsible for completing your own work. You are not allowed to copy and paste, or paraphrase, or submit materials created or published by others, as if you created the materials. All materials submitted must be your own.
  • You may discuss high-level ideas with other students at the “whiteboard” level (e.g., how cross validation works, use hashmap instead of array) and review any relevant materials online. However, each student must write up and submit his or her own answers.
  • You must not put your code on public domain (e.g., public GitHub), because a (future) student could copy your code. That student obviously violates the honor code, and you may also be implicated.
  • All incidents of suspected dishonesty, plagiarism, or violations of the Georgia Tech Honor Code will be subject to the institute’s Academic Integrity procedures (e.g., reported to and directly handled by the Office of Student Integrity (OSI). Consequences can be severe, e.g., academic probation or dismissal, grade penalties, a 0 grade for assignments concerned, and prohibition from withdrawing from the class.

Late Policy and Due Dates #

  • All homework and quizzes deliverables are due at the times shown in the Course Schedule. The course offers NO LATE POLICY. Convert the times to your local times using a Time Zone Converter.
    • Every homework assignment deliverable and every quizzes deliverable comes with NO LATE POLICY.
    • Any deliverable submitted after the deadline defined on class schdule will get 0 credit. We recommend that you submit your work at least a day before the deliverable deadline.
    • We will NOT consider late submission of any missing parts of a deliverable. To make sure you have submitted everything, download your submitted files to double check. If your submitting large files, you are responsible for making sure they get uploaded to the system in time.
  • No penalties for medical reasons or emergencies. And should they arise, you MUST contact the Dean of Students office BEFORE contacting us. Doctor’s notes, medical documentation, explanation of emergencies, etc. should be submitted to the Dean’s office. After their office receives the information, they will notify us on your behalf.

Timing Policy #

  • The course videos follow a logical sequence that includes knowledge-building (quizzes) and experience-building (assignments).
  • Assignments should be completed by their due dates, in order for timely peer assessment. Peer assessments should also be completed by their due dates, to give timely feedback.
  • You will have access to the course content for the scheduled duration of the course.

Attendance Policy #

  • This is a fully online course.
  • Login on a regular basis to complete your work, so that you do not have to spend a lot of time reviewing and refreshing yourself regarding the content.

Netiquette #

  • Netiquette refers to etiquette that is used when communicating on the Internet. Review the Ground Rules for Online Discussions. When you are communicating via email, discussion forums or synchronously (real-time), please use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar consistent with the academic environment and scholarship.
  • We expect all participants (learners, faculty, teaching assistants, staff) to interact respectfully. Learners who do not adhere to this guideline may be removed from the course.