1 |
1/8 - 1/12 |
- Course introduction
- Text data preprocessing: Normalization, lemmatization, stemming, stop words removal…
2 |
1/15 - 1/19 |
- MLK Official Institute Holiday
- Text Representations:
- One hot encoding
- BoW (frequency counting)
Quiz 0 | Knowledge-based | out 1/12 - due 1/19 |
3 |
1/22 - 1/26 |
- Classification Introduction
- Naive Bayes
- Classification Model Evaluation: accuracy, precision, recall, confusion matrix
Quiz 1 | week 1 and 2| out 1/19 - due 1/26 |
4 |
1/29 - 2/02 |
Quiz 2 | week 3| out 1/26 - due 2/02 |
5 |
2/05 - 2/09 |
- Logistic Regression
- Perceptron
- HW1 due 2/09
- HW2 out 2/09
6 |
2/12 - 2/16 |
- SVD (Dimensionality Reduction) + Co-occurrence embeddings
- Glove
Quiz 3 | week 5| out 2/09 - due 2/16 |
7 |
2/19 - 2/23 |
8 |
2/26 - 3/01 |
- Neural Network (fully connected)
- Word2vec: CBoW, Skip-Gram
- HW2 due 3/01
- HW3 out 3/01
Quiz 4 | week 6| out 2/23 - due 3/01 |
9 |
3/04 - 3/08 |
Quiz 5 | week 8| out 3/01 - due 3/08 |
10 |
3/11 - 3/15 |
- LSTM and GRU
- LSTM + Attention (Focus on Attention mechanism)
Quiz 6 | week 9| out 3/08 - due 3/15 |
11 |
3/18 - 3/22 |
12 |
3/25 - 3/29 |
- Transformer models
- Examples: BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
- HW3 due 3/29
- HW4 out 3/29
Quiz 7 | week 10| out 3/15 - due 3/29 |
13 |
4/01 - 4/05 |
- Sequence Labelling: POS Tagging
- Sequence Labelling: NER
Quiz 8 | week 12| out 3/29 - due 4/05 |
14 |
4/08 - 4/12 |
- Unsupervised Models
- Topic Modeling (Latent Semantic Indexing, LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)
Quiz 9 | week 13| out 4/05 - due 4/12 |
15 |
4/15 - 4/19 |
Quiz 10 | week 14 | out 4/12 - due 4/19 |